
If Washington Health Outreach is unable to directly provide you with spay/neuter services, we hope that these resources may help.

Free and Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics

Voucher Programs

These programs provide funding for spay/neuter directly to clinics, they do not reimburse pet owners for completed procedures.

  • Meow Cat Rescue provides spay/neuter funds for dogs, feral or free-roaming cats, cats belonging to anyone needing financial assistance, and cats who qualify for their Toms & Moms program.

  • South County Cats provides spay or neuter vouchers for feral cats and cats cared for by income-qualified South King County residents

  • Humane Society for Tacoma/Pierce County offers vouchers to qualified members of the public for low-cost spay and neuter services at local participating veterinarians. To qualify for this program, you must be a low-income resident of Pierce County or the city of Federal Way.

Affordable Private Practice Clinics